Brand and Marketing Consulting
31T Studio
Direct Hire solutions for Leadership and expertise for every stage of growth

We empower organizations with bar raising TALENT and progressive expansion solutions

Everything is marketing

30 years ago, product teams would build a product, explain their rationale, and hand it to marketers who would try to spin a narrative to convince people their company’s solution to a problem was the most elegant one in the market.

Those days are long-gone.

Your product delivery system has built-in reviews, your app enables customers to share content to whomever they want (and if you don’t, they’ll screen grab it anyway), your ads run next to buttons that create customers in seconds.

Every touch point has the ability to provide consumers with another reason (rational or irrational) to like your brand, if not become a customer on the spot; therefore your marketing strategy needs to be well-defined such that it can be baked into every facet of your business.

This is where 31T Studio comes in.

Your product delivery system has built-in reviews, your app enables customers to share content to whomever they want (and if you don’t, they’ll screen grab it anyway), your ads run next to buttons that create customers in seconds.

Every touch point has the ability to provide consumers with another reason (rational or irrational) to like your brand, if not become a customer on the spot; therefore your marketing strategy needs to be well-defined such that it can be baked into every facet of your business.

This is where 31T Brand comes in.

Our marketing solutions led by some of the brightest marketing minds in the country, allow you to implement impactful marketing strategies, from the earliest stage of your company's development, to well established brands needing to revolutionize your approach to the world.

It’s time to dispel some of those unnecessary complexities found in the world of brand today and get back to focusing on your overarching goals, values and existence.

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31T Studio
The Offering
Tiered Solutions

Figuring out your marketing objectives or needs is not always an easy task when you don’t have a full team to analyze the state of the business. Therefore we have developed a tiered approach to engage our team and services.

Tier 1
Pre-Product Market Fit

If you are in your company's infancy, you are likely in search of simple, impactful and actionable advice that’s tailored to your current brand and marketing immediate needs (not the stuff you should be doing in year 10). No one wants to hear your business was a Stanford MBA assignment that just kept growing; it must have an irrational draw to it that makes your story (and subsequent fund-raises) a bit more compelling. 31T Studio can create your distilled, yet compelling, founders’ myth that can become the anchor from which your brand decisions can be grounded.

Tier 1 Solutions:
Brand Identity, Vision, Narrative, Architecture
Product Positioning, Emergent Marketing Mix
Audience Persona + Targeting + Segmentation
Activation + GTM Ideas
Marketing Product Features, Funnel + Retention
Tier 2
Scale Up

There’s a moment after you’ve found product market fit and the growth engine beginning to hum along, that you need to start investing in a more complex and thorough marketing mix that reaches further into your SAM and shows you’re “ready for the big leagues.” You now need to evolve from a successful product into a successful company. You’re looking for structure, consistency, higher fidelity and more effective brand and marketing efforts.

Tier 2 Solutions:
Audit and evaluation of the strengths (and potential failings) of the existing brand
Audit and present a revised plan on the Go-To-Market strategy, grounded in an Opportunity Map
Brand design and brand strategy (from purpose/mission to values to organizational principles)
An inverted funnel approach for marketing; optimizing the funnel from the bottom up and using increased conversion to pay for each successive layer above it
An 18-month roadmap to fame, where we evolve from focusing on aided awareness in the category to unaided awareness and top-of-mind stickiness
Tier 3
Red Team Consulting Engagement

The Innovator’s Dilemma makes it hard to see past the success that got you to where you are, toward the successes you’ll need to reach the next step. You need someone who can use an outsider’s perspective with an insider’s empathetic touch to help uncover new opportunities or reframe a problem in a new light.

We build a bespoke team, ranging from writers, designers, strategists, product experts, channel specialists and more, with both domain and skill expertise. This team is designed to tackle your challenges that might otherwise be distracting an internal team from their primary goal, or to help extend your internal capabilities to develop and execute key initiatives.

Example use cases:
Creating, developing and launching a major media moment (your first TV campaign to a thought provoking high-visibility campaign)
Working alongside an incubator to help ideate and launch a new product concept formed around your brand
Bringing in a fractional CMO and CCO to help define/redefine all things marketing within a company at a 30,000 view
Serve as a part of a hiring committee to build out a brand and marketing capability